Friday, May 25, 2007

Live Project - When I grow up I want to be...

For one of my live projects I worked on a brief called "When I grow up I want to be..." for the brief we had to create a poster which completed the title. The poster had to be A3 size, it had to be suitable to be displayed alongside 7-9 year old's and other artists work on the same title and had to be possible to be hung with pins.

For this brief I chose to focus on a wish I have held since I was a child; a fantasy I think most children would agree with. I have always been fascinated with birds and have always wished to be able to fly like a bird, soaring through the sky above the clouds where the sun always shines...

My poster was landscape and was made out of sculpted white card built up in layers to signify the clouds and a silhouette of a bird soaring through. One thing I like about this piece is the shadows that are cast from the 3D forms - unfortunately this photo doesn't do it much justice but hopefully you'll get the idea.

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