Thursday, May 24, 2007

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

I took my first trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park back in December of this year. These are some of the pictures we took in the wandering...

This is the metal walkway leading up to the main gallery building, supposedly all the names contained on it are people who have sponsored/donated to the park...

These are permanent Henry Moore sculptures found in the first part of the park.

I really like the Last of these three photos, this sculpture is huge, you can walk inside it and sit and gaze out through the hole at a framed view of the fantastic countryside.

This is, ermmm... me is a sculpture. yeah, anyway - moving on -->

These are huuuuuge sculptures made out of steel that stand over about 14 foot tall. They are so big you can walk inside them, when I was there they were full of kids playing hide a seek. I managed to jump in when they were finished and took a couple of photos looking up into the structure (see below).

This is another random sculpture... I like the interactivity of the park, art should be interactive, who wants just a pretty picture?

Antony Gormley - the only piece he has at the park but it was good to be able to see it in person. There was a professional photographer there taking photos at the time, we stopped and eavesdropped on the conversation for a little while, he had worked with Gormley in the past on other projects.

A sculpture of nature

"winds through the branches becomes the silence" - found on a stamp in a box next to a turn style in the park

This is a piece by James Turrell called Deer Shelter in which he had created a concrete room with a hole in the ceiling that frames the sky, we lay in there and watched as the clouds passed us by, bliss.
