Monday, June 04, 2007

Books - My Creations

This first book is from my Collections project in which I collected my emotions every hour on the hour for 24 hours. It's called "24 Hours" and is bound in black buckram with a double layered card slip cover. The pages contain the emotions which are relative in size to the amount they are felt, the pages are embossed with numbers to signify the hour the pages represent.

This is the first book I created for the Reportage project in which we had to report the city of Leeds in some format. I decided to base my first book on the city scape of Leeds, the pages run together creating a total 360 degree view from the top of multistory car park.

This and the image below are photos of the second book I created for Reportage. For this book I focused on the people of Leeds.

I asked them to complete a questionnaire and have their photo taken, the photo was then printed on to the reverse of the hand written questionnaire, folded and bound into this book.

This is the book I created for my Storytelling brief. It was a story of a stick boy called Sam who lived on the edge of a haunted forest. The forest is surrounded by red ribbon to stop people from entering it and becoming lost, until one day Sam ventures into and meets Bird, learns to fly and solves the mystery of the not to haunted forest.

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